Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Oh Job

"The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away: may the name of the Lord be praised." Job 1:21

I read this at the end of a video on u-tube today. The video was a documentation of the 99 day life of a little boy born with a terrible birth defect. The family celebrated every day of his life and the 99 days he lived were a miracle. I feel so guilty sometimes that I get frustrated with the way things have turned out. Why do babies have to be born sick and why do parents have to be told that their babies are going to die. I know no one ever promised life would be fair or just but God is. No matter how hard things are I have to remember always all thing are made right in God. The verse at the top was said by Job, Job is my constant reminder to always praise God and know he is our hope and constant love. The story of Job is what got me through our miscarriages and now is what is helping me through this. Strength I do not have, endurance I do not have, patients I do not have. All of this is God in me, He is the glue that is holding me together. In the end God blessed Job two fold, I think when we go to be with God we are blessed two fold. - Oh man another hard day, probably due to a huge lack of sleep!!


harrells said...

God truly has an amazing plan for you and your family! He works everything out for good for those who love Him! He will use everything you and your family has gone through for something that will truly bring Him Glory and in turn you will be blessed :) Call me if you need something today. Love you. So glad we got to hang out last night. Let's do it a LOT more!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what God is showing you guys. You are blessed. We're praying all the time!

Rachel Tenpenny Crawford said...

I have read that scripture MANY times. For some reason I memorized it when I was in junior high. When I took my girls off life support I remember saying it to myself in my head...but I have to be did not comfort me. I was not at peace with God allowing my girls to stay for such a short time. I really hated giving them up. It just killed me inside. And now, more than eight months after their deaths, I can't say I have am at peace yet, but I have more peace than I did in those first few months and each day I feel more acceptance and peace. It is just so hard because nothing brings them back. Everyday I have no choice. I just miss them. But I see God working in my heart and my life. I am not as sad or as hurt, and my anger has subsided. I still wonder "why my girls?" But I feel comforted that God is holding them in heaven even though I would give anything to be holding them myself. Healing hurts. What gives me comfort in one respect causes me pain simultaniously. And I just think it will be like that for a while. I am praying for you. Try to get some rest. I have harder days when I am exhausted too. I love you.

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